Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 16, 2012
So this is where I will be writing about my life in Switzerland. I am currently studying abroad in Switerland for a year. In this time i hope to learn German (at least be able to have a conversation). Also learn some Swiss german, and most importantly learn about the swiss culture.
So I arrived in Zurich, Switzerland on August 24th. The flight was about 7 hours and absolutely terrible. Of course the day of my flight I had to get sick. But on the good side, i've been here for 3 weeks and absolutely love it. Everything is so beautiful and the people are beyond nice.
When I first got to Switzerland I had no idea that almost everyone knows English. This was the best thing ever because when I miss my train or bus(like i do alot), I can always find someone to ask which time the next train, bus comes. Also when I got on the bus going the opposite direction of where I needed to be there is always some nice swiss person willing to help me find my way home. I think the train is the coolest thing ever. I guess im a typicial american, because where I live we dont have trains or busses. Also because I have my liscence so I can just drive wherever I need to. So just by taking the train and bus was a differnet but cool thing to me.
So for the past three weeks I went to a Deutch course. In the class we had AFS students from all over, China, Paraguay, Venezualla, USA, Chile, Dominican Republic, Thailand, Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia and Indonesia. Most of the students spoke spanish but evenyone spoke english fluently. We all had so much fun in that class. We talked about our host families, what we did on the weekend and how we are adjusting to the swiss life. In the class I learned the basics of the german lagnuage and about Switzerland. One day we got to walk around St.Gallen and see a beautiful Catholic church and then we walked up about 30 flights of stairs in the top of a  Protistant church to see the amazing view of St.Gallen. Another day we went to the Botanish Garten, it was beyond cool there. And on the last day of the Deutsch course we got a map of St.Gallen and directions in german and we had to go find a statue of a man. After we arrived back at the school we had a little party and talked about how much we are going to miss eachother and how we want to stay in the Deutsch class for the whole year.
Tomorrow I have my first day of school in the Kanton Schule. I am quite nervous and excited at the same time. I am looking forward to meeting my new class. Although I know it is going to be a rough day, beacuse all the lessons are in german and I think I will be completely lost half of the time. Including the fact that I am still sick with strep throat and sound horrible. Since I arrived here I have been to two different doctors and still am sick. I hope that I do not have to get my tonsills taken out while I am abroad. Then my trip would be like some of the horrible stories I have herd about students abroad having to get surgery and having other tragic things happen to them. I just hope I can get better soon so I can actually enjoy the short 9 months that I have left. Geez 9 months, time is going by so quickly.
Well I guess I wrote enough for now. (: